Ortho-Bionomy® is an educational system developed by Arthur Lincoln Pauls who taught the techniques in phases. Phase 4 is the point at which his development of the modality was ready to be taught to others and is the foundation for Phases 5 through 8. This stand alone modality allows practitioners to perform gentle, non-invasive techniques that work with chronic stress, injuries and/or problems associated with postural and structural imbalances. There is a subtle shift from the idea of "fixing" your client toward the support and facilitation of the client's own healing process.
Massage Therapists and practitioners of many body work modalities can start to use these techniques as soon as they have completed a Phase 4 foundational class. These courses focus on the spine, extremities, pelvis and trunk and are usually taught in one or two weekends. Not only are the techniques simple to incorporate into your practice, they are also gentle on you, the practitioner. These techniques help to extend the career of many therapists.
Students of Ortho-Bionomy often go on to complete the full program. To read more about the levels of training, visit The Society of Ortho-Bionomy Training Programs. In addition, you can sign up for our mailing list to receive announcements for upcoming Ortho-Bionomy® courses in South Florida.
In addition, Study Groups and Practice Groups are offered several times a month so that you can reinforce the concepts you've learned and used on clients, ask questions and receive valuable feedback. Your process in this program is supported by teachers, coordinators and fellow students right from the start. Become a Student Member of The Society of Ortho-Bionomy® for just $30 and become eligible for discounts with participating instructors.
Ortho-Bionomy® in Florida is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider. Ortho-Bionomy® is a registered trademark of the Society of Ortho-Bionomy® International, Inc. and is used with permission.